Saturday, 8 December 2012

How To Make Friends :) 10 Helpful Tips! :)

Thanks vel and the secret helper for choosing me to be the nomination for most helpful blogger :)I do love helping you guys and am always available for you <3

So here are 10 tips on how to make new friends on woozworld and I explain each step with examples to be EXTRA helpful ;D

1. Introduction/ First Impressions! :)
~This step means how you act around others and introduce yourself. When you first present yourself, always act nice, it makes you likeable :) And introduce yourself properly, "Hi Im Ginger :)" :) Smiles help on the friendlyness level. Did you know most people judge you in the first 30 seconds of the conversation? So make sure you make a good first one that ppl will like you from :D

2. Compliments/ Winning Over
~When you first meet someone, it is polite to compliment them on anything generally, like, "Wow i really love how your hair goes with your shirt :) Makes you seem well mannered and very nice because you complimented them. This will win them over because when someone else says something nice about there outfit, trust me, they feel so good on the inside like, "omg she really likes it? :D"

3. Comfortability 
~This is how easily you're talking with them. They can easily tell if your stuttering or star loosing interest. So make sure you never create those awkward pauses in your speech where you dont know what to say. Ask questions that help you find out more. Avoid saying things like, soooooooo..... This makes the person feel like you have a big interest in them. Like there super interesting! :)

4. Compatability/ Likes, Interests 
~Compatability is how much you and this person have in common. This means if you both like the same color, or same animal, or same activities; it gives you alot to do or talk about. You always wanna talk about interests, it builds a bond, and helps you grow to like the person.

5. Bond Building
~To make sure you and this person will be good close friends make sure you build a bond. A bond is how much you trust and depend on them. Make sure you get this person to like you and be close to you. Have a special thing planned you can always do with the person.

6. Staying Close
~So you can always be friends with this person, dont lose contact for TOO long. Make sure you have special time together and that will build your relationships and get to know them more. Even if you dont always have time to hangout, make sure you're big on messages and pc's.

7. Avoiding Things
~Some things that will completely make a person NOT want to be your friend is; insults, arguments, disagreements, yelling, bad language, annoying. These things will make ppl avoid you. If you wanna be friends with someone, dont start by saying, "Hey that hair is rlly ugly :P" just dont.

8. Being Open
~To make it easier to meet even more people to become friends with, be open to meet different kinds that you wouldnt usually find yourself hanging out with. You might be suprised and end up liking the person alot. So be open, it stretches your variety of ppl to meet :)

9. NEVER Beg
~When you first meet them, dont start begging and say, plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz will u plz add me, GET TO KNOW THEM FIRST! Begging is unnactractive and will make the person see you as very desperate. Desperate means that you'll take anything because you want it so bad. 

10. Additional Tips! :D
~Since i only have one more tip to tell you, ill give you tiny additional tips to help you make friends. One is dont use them for fame or wooz, its really rude, and thats not what a true friend would do. And also never lie to them and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!!! XD God didnt make you to fake who you are!!!! :)

Having Any Trouble Making Friends??? Feel Free To Msg Me If You Need ANY More Help!! :) Please, Im Always Available For Meh Deadliners! ;D               

~Gingey Yo Fav Fudge Lova ;) 

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