Wednesday 5 September 2012

Hello New Crew!(:

Woah, seems like alot as happened while I was head-deep in binders and disgusting gum-filled tables..eww Dx..and I just want to say hello to all our new crew!..I read your staff introductions and such, and its such a pleasure knowing we have more talented, wonderful Woozens doing this blog with us. Amyrose626, I know Amy fairly well, wonderful to finally see you part of the gang(: Quite enjoyed our ChitChat on the blog with our Tropical and of course..Tik-Tok xD..Fred..Hmm Freddy Fred huh ;)?..I like it xD..But hmm some competition huh ;)? Well Fred ma new fashion buddy..keep up designing and shiny!(: I know you'll do great!(: To Amanda and Daniela I dont know either of you but hello and I look forward to meeting and working and blogging with you two and Daniela, that is such a wonderful name!(: To Swag, gosh wonderful writer Im so impressed since the beginning of meeting you..your writing was so beautiful and just wonderful way to express one's self. To Ann, I thought your introducing yourself page was ADORABLE hehe(:..I loved it..such a cute way to do first impressions and I look forward to getting to know you, Im sure we'll hit right off the bat..Fresh meat(; and Earlybird! Gosh your name is soo original and I L-O-V-E it! Reminds me of the Hunger Games for some odd apparent reason Idk xD..weird moment xD But I look towards meeting you personally as well. I believe I covered all the new crew members, if I accidently missed you its not personal..its that Im blind xD..Jk but I wish you all the best(; And overall in site of all the Deadline crew we welcome you into our little bundle of blogs xD And we cant wait to start working with you!(:
Yours truly,

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