Friday, 7 September 2012

Girly and Fancy!(;-LAST Fashion Statement Update :(

Hello everyone!! Anyone miss the one and only Ginny (;? I'm sooo SORRY I haven't be posting due to school and all..and I hope you can forgive me, but I have some news. Due to School, your daily fashionZ poster is leaving the Deadline tonight :). I'll still post but probably only once or twice a month. I'm so sorry but this is officially our LAST Ginny's Fashion Statement in for a while, 3 or 4 months actually! And I will have me goodbye letter written really soon..I love you all and always know that :). Well but for right now NO TEARS just our BELOVED fashion!! WOOT WOOT!!(:

So today in honor of our last fashion statement I chose a very GIRLY-CUTE outfit that is soo do-able and TOTS CUTIE(;! Hope you guys enjoy and I'll see you later!(:

Okay, so always usual I shall show you guys the 2 GORGEOUS, ADORABLE outfits I chose today for our Fashion Statement and a little fashion brief intro about it of course, so lets get STARTED!(:
I decided to chose a very GIRLY-CUTIE look this we are all girls and we ADORE the cutie look with a fling of a gal of course. Peach is sooo girly yet CUTE-AS-A-BUTTON and these outfits can be soo school girl but also date beauty!(: Our first outfit is this ADORABLE "Saturnal Dress." This dress is Upgraded from the Summer Days Dress with its sleeves and little up the should culfs bracelets and its sooo CUTE! It brings out the look of the body down and its soo easy to wear! I wanted to able to see the ADORABLE V-Neck cut of the dress collar so I chose the "Back 2 School" hair which just easily falls behind ur eyes and onto ur back and its sooo School! for it holds back the hair from the eyes when you read or write which is WONDERFUL! Overall I paired it with some PRECIOUS "Wool Boots" and its soo CLASSIC and BEAUTIFUL!

This second outfit is soo GIRLY, but more TONED if you're not that into dresses or consider them difficult at certain meetings or events..skirts are soo IN and soo CUTE, This "Layered Dress with Rose" is soooo CUTE! I LOVE this skirt and though it is an oldie I find sooo many things i can do with it! And over this skirt I have a ADORABLE jacket, "Lined Jacket" and I loove how the tank top shoes a bit so the rose on the skirt is SHOWABLE! I loove that part..cuz the rose is soo cute! Now I paired it down actually this time with some ADORABLE "Soft Ballerinas" for the CLASSIC, TONED look and the "Long Hair with Beret" look for the CUTE look! and overall its sooo cute and class! Hope you guys enjoyed this addition and I'll see you soon!
Love Always,

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