Saturday 8 September 2012

Fluff's Back =]

Hellooooo my fellow EPICLY AWESOME deadlinerssss =D !!! Guess who? ;D that's right it's me ure one and ONLY Original member FLUFF!!!!! =D OMG I missed u guys soooo much !! ;( my vacation was loooooong and awesome :) I got back 2 weeks ago and it was back to school for me :( (who else hates school D: ) .. So I haven't had much time to post something and I might not have time for a while because of the EVIL torturing thing we call school -.- but I just wanted to say hi to u guys!! :) I'll try to post once in a while or on weekends ! Oh and before i forget I just wanna give a warm welcome to the new members and am sure their gonna make this awesome blog even awesomer xD !! Once again I missed u all !! TTYL :D

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