I know I left for a long time but the stakes deadline is getting at our becoming worse and worse by day. I don't understand whats wrong. I started this blog about 2 years ago and it grew more and more each day. I was so proud of everybody who supported me through this until now. What have you done to my beloved deadline? People are leaving, fighting, saying this is a hell hole of rules, hacking day and night. And most of all, fighting for true power over this. I was --velvetdust-- before all of this, now I'm a face people come to asking for help.
"Bring the blog back!" "She did this! She did that!"
Thos our things I here day and night. This journey started with myself and 3 of my best friends that stood by me through thick and thin. The bloggers now..I barely can trust let alone say are my friends. I never wanted any of this.
I owe my apologies to KierraSunset, I am so sorry I lied to you but this is for the good of everyone.
Treasure your memories of deadline forever I hope, don't hate anyone for doing this because these are my own actions. I can do what I want because as you say, i am the original of deadline.
I am so sorry once again, but what is done...can't be undone.
Goodbye forever my deadline.